由于有关Cyberpunk 2077的宣传大肆宣传,因此模板商一如既往地尝试为您制作一个主流的Quality Template Pack,花了将近4个月的时间来完成,以便您可以用更少的资源享受高标准的作品。
赛博朋克HUD UI 500+具有23个主要类别以及资产军事元素,可以重复使用以构建更多元素。它具有标题,描述,军事,雷达,医疗,图表,均衡器,加载栏,速度计,编码器,目标,警告,登录名,系统错误等类别。赛博朋克HUD UI 500+经过精心设计和精心组织,可使用VizMax extension脚本即时访问和查看所有元素动画。使用After Effects形状图层创建的基于矢量的元素超级易于编辑和调整大小。您还可以通过Smart Color Controller一键更改全局或本地整个项目的颜色。,需要的赶快下载吧。
The Cyberpunk HUD UI 500+ has 23 main classes as well as asset military elements that can be reused to build more elements. It has categories like Title, Description, Military, Radar, Medical, Chart, Equalizer, Loading bar, speedometer, encoder, Target, Warning, Login, System Error and more. The Cyberpunk HUD UI 500+ is well designed and well organized for instant access and viewing of all element animations using VizMax Extension scripts. Vector-based elements created using After Effects shape layers are super easy to edit and resize. You can also change the Color of an entire project globally or locally with one click through the Smart Color Controller. , need to download it as soon as possible.
- 支持系统:Win 和 Mac
- 适用软件:AE CC2019 或更高
- 分辨率:可调整
- 使用插件:不需要外置第三方插件
- 调用扩展:VizMax Assets Viewer (已包含)
- 文件大小:1.6G
- 安装方法:含文字安装说明
- 使用帮助:视频教程